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Grievance Redressal


The objective of Grievance Redressal is to provide an easily accessible machinery to ensure expeditious settlement of grievances of employees and also recommend preventive action to minimise grievances of employees.

A. 'Grievance' for the purpose of these rules would only mean:

  1. a grievance arising out of the implementation of the policies/rules or decisions of the organisation.
  2. matters of individual nature like those relating to leave, increment, acting arrangements, non-extension of benefits under rules, interpretation of Service Rules, etc.

B. Matters falling in the following areas shall not be covered by the Grievance Redressal Mechanism under these rules:

  1. Annual Performance Appraisals/Confidential Reports.
  2. Promotions; probation; confirmation; absorption
  3. General issues pertaining to fringe benefits.
  4. Disciplinary action taken under Conduct, Discipline & Appeal Rules.
  5. Cases relating to vigilance, security and termination of service.
  6. Matters of training.
  7. Grievances arising out of discharge or dismissal of an employee.

C. Our Grievance Authority is Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. Designated Grievance Redressal Officer will support this authority.

D. Procedure for handling Grievances

  1. The concerned employee will be required to formally make a representation to his/her CEO/HOD within a period of one month. The CEO/HOD would examine the grievance and give a personal hearing to the aggrieved employee to try to resolve the issue (in accordance with the applicable rules/policies of Iskills), at his level and inform his decision to the aggrieved employee in writing within a week under intimation to HR & Administration.
  2. If the employee is not satisfied, he/she may appeal to the Board of Directors clearly bringing out the fallacies in the response received from CEO/HoD. The Board will refer the representation again to the CEO/HoD to seek detailed comments and facts of the matter.
  3. Board of Directors may thereafter, either decide or refer the case to a Grievance Redressal Committee, if he/she prima facie feels that the case merits re-consideration.
  4. The Committee shall examine the grievance in detail and give its recommendation to the board within a month. The Committee may give opportunity to an aggrieved employee to present his/her case personally before it, prior to taking final decision on his/her grievance
  5. The Committee while giving its recommendation shall ensure that they are in conformity with the rules,regulations & policies of Iskills.
  6. On receipt of Grievance Redressal Committee Report, board will take a final decision which will be communicated to the employee by HR & Administration.
  7. In case the aggrieved officer is CEO/HoD, he/she shall submit the grievance directly to Board and it shall be dealt with as detailed above.
  8. If the complaint pertains against CEO/HoD, the aggrieved official may submit the grievance directly to the Board and it shall be processed as per the provisions mentioned above.


A. Sexual harassment is unwelcome behaviour, which could be expected to make a person feel offended, humiliated or intimidated. It can be physical, verbal, written or through signs.

Sexual harassment is covered at the workplace when it happens:

  1. at work.
  2. at work-related events.
  3. between people sharing the same workplace .
  4. between colleagues outside of work.

B. It includes such unwelcome sexually determined behaviour, whether directly or otherwise, as:

  1. Physical contact and advances;
  2. Demand or request for sexual favours;
  3. Sexually coloured remarks;
  4. Showing any pornography; or
  5. Any other unwelcome physical, verbal and non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature by email or any electronic medium such as email, whatsapp, twitter, acebook, SMS, etc.


  1. The above instances of misconduct area illustrative in nature and not exhaustive.
  2. Provided that where there is a complaint of sexual harassment within the meaning of this clause, the Committee against Sexual Harassment established by Iskills for inquiring into such complaints(Through a separate order), shall be deemed to be the inquiring authority appointed by the disciplinary authority for the purpose of these rules.


A Committee is there under this policy to investigate complaints of sexual harassment referred to it and to make appropriate recommendations to the relevant management team. The Internal Complaints Committee consists of the following members to be nominated by the employer, namely:-

  • A Chairperson who is a woman employed at a senior level at workplace from amongst the employees.
  • A demand or request for sexual favours; or
  • Not less than two members from amongst employees preferably who have had experience in social work or have legal knowledge.
  • One member from amongst non-governmental organizations.
  • One half of the total members so nominated should be women.
  • Internal committee shall hold office for three years from date of nomination. The same committee will continue, unless notified otherwise in writing at the end of the term.

Complainers can direct their grievances to the following contact details: